
Life At Home

Ah, Spring Break.

After running through some details of my school-load and my correspondence course, I have been able to lift some weight off of my shoulders. It's nice. Where I thought I was royally screwed, I'm actually not. So, crisis averted. yay

Is it possible to feel young again at 22? Because that's what's happening. It's like I'm brand new, fresh and pressed. But, my oh so ever disconcerning subconscious falters as usual, reminding me of past experiences where this sort of thing ends just short of my expectations. That's life I suppose. I revel in it anyway.

I'm also, due to this new juvenile energy, questioning my earlier decision to spend said energy on particular things. I'm starting to wonder if this is really what I want or is there something better, something that I dont have to sell my soul to have? Probably. I'm still unsure. Is it still worth pursuing or do I need something else? Well, I have a nice ol' test thingy scheduled that hopefully will answer all of my questions. I'm making this out to be like it's a big deal, but it's not. It's just that I want what's best for me now, and I want it selfishly. I've noticed a trend in my life where half of my decisions are made based on what would make other people happy; more than half actually. Gah, I'm such a pushover...

One day, I'm going to leave it all behind. I don't mean leave for a holiday or a year even. I mean leave for good. And I cannot wait for that day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think thats called 'death'.