
What to do...

Well, Valentine's Day is coming up...and I could care less.

It's a stupid holiday created by Hallmark so they could sell more cards. It's also sad that we need to invent a holiday that requires us to do something romantic or whatever for our significant other. Wow, talk about taking away our initiative. Or maybe it's because I'm just so gosh darned lonely this year. It's a toss up really. I'm stifling back the tears.

Last night's Formal/Bash was...I guess...a success. I really don't know since I was only there for about an hour. I was lucky enough not to have signed up for that thing that reminds me so much of high school dances that I want to vomit. Sure it was fun seeing some people and chatting around the coat check, but everything else was...just as I expected. Drunk people dancing, sober people sitting looking bored, and drunk people sitting on the verge of passing out. What fun!

No, I had fun at O'Shea's drinking pints and playing crib in a "Anti-Formal" sort of night. It was nice there because of the no dress code thingy. I realized that I have pretty much no classy clothes. Nothing to take to a banquet or some other fancy place. Maybe I should look into that. Or not.

Wow...that's it. I've got nothing else. Holy crap my life is boring. I should go live with the Sherpas or sail on a boat or something. I need some freaking excitement. Life is too boring!





Anonymous said...

Valentines was actually a Hershey's created day. the first valentine was sent by hershey's. Halmark has just capitalized on it. Stupid holiday I agree. People shouldn't need an excuse to be romantic.

The Ben said...

I stand corrected. Hershey's it is.